What happens when a princess hates the man she is expected to marry and seeks comfort and refuge in the arms of a commoner? Well chances are the royal...[Read More]
Prequels are tricky for a number of reasons; they risk disrupting cannon or affording the wrong subject matter too much real estate. I mean just look ...[Read More]
To be honest I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I heard about this movie, it seems to be the Hollywood norm at the minute to take an established ...[Read More]
The original plan was to review Avengers Infinity War as soon as I’d seen it, but that was before I was bombarded with emotions. Having seen it twice ...[Read More]
I may take a hit by admitting this, but I have never actually read the novel Ready Player One, I know I know, it’s a huge glowing red weak spot on my ...[Read More]
Long live the King, well, not the last king he died in an explosion, but the new King T’Challa aka The Black Panther, in his first of what I hop...[Read More]
Darkest Hour is set in the beginning of World War 2, the Nazis are in the process of conquering Europe and things are looking bleak for the allies. Lu...[Read More]
It’s finally here, after years of waiting and many nights spent chanting “please don’t suck” in front of my Superman shrine (not a creepy shrine, it’s...[Read More]
It’s no secret that DC are pretty, let’s be diplomatic and say hit & miss, with their movies, Wonder Woman of course kicked ass, Man of Steel was ...[Read More]
Well, the god of thunder is back, sporting a new hairdo and sans his magic hammer, so now Thor must discover what he is without it, his “journey throu...[Read More]
Spy movies have never really been my thing, I watched the odd James Bond movie but never really got into them, something about them just made me switc...[Read More]
If you have read my review of Outlast or watched any of our Resident Evil 7 Let’s Plays, then you will know that I do not handle horror very well. I m...[Read More]