
Wrestler and writer extraordinaire.



The Division 2

The Division 2 takes place seven months after a bio-terror attack in the original game where a bunch of bastards released a potent strain of smallpox in New York City because of some reasons. Fearing wide spread panic and social collapse, the United States government, in all its stupid idiot wisdom, activated a contingent of domestic sleeper agents known as “The Division”, who have car...[Read More]



Swamp Thing: Episode 1

The opening scene to DC’S Swamp Thing does a wonderful job of setting the tone for the viewer. Opening in a dark, eerie swamp at night with 3 guys in a boat, an unnerving setting at the best of times, but further enhanced by the wonderful opening score.  The score coupled with the unnatural atmosphere created within the scene work beautifully together to established the swamp itself, not only as a...[Read More]



Elea: Episode 1

Elea begins with a few floating space paragraphs to give the player some context as to what’s going on and what they are letting them-selves in for. We are informed that the Earth was ravaged by a neurological mutation that turns every Earth born child into a rage monster and the only cure strips them of all emotion. Humanity decides that Earth is fucked and that a new planet is needed so they sen...[Read More]



Blood Realm

Before I had even read one word of Blood Realm I was awe struck by the artwork. It is simple but at the same time intricate, beautiful yet disturbing, like something from a nightmare. In certain panels, particularly the ones that feature the outdoors/landscapes, it is evident that the artwork has a life of its own, at times it felt like it would leap right off of the page. I also found the use of ...[Read More]




Imagine strolling through a beautiful garden, adorned with colourful flowers, enchanting smells and the softest grass as far as the eye can see.  Well this comic is kind of like that, except that it’s filled with alien life, spaceships, intergalactic warriors and the suspension of any belief that you are safe. So, let’s take a walk. The first aspect that came to my attention even before I had made...[Read More]




Absolver may have been released to the world in August 2017 but unfortunately we never got round to reviewing it. But given that it’s free on PS Plus and seeing how the summer video game drought has hit us hard, now seems like the perfect time to give it a whirl. In the world of Adal, young trainee warriors roam the land searching for opponents so they might prove their worth and join the peacekee...[Read More]



Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia: Issue 2

Issue number two of Invasion from planet wrestletopia starts of on a sombre note as it reveals a little about Rory’s childhood. It would appear that wrestling is the family business as we witness a dejected Terry Landell (Rory’s Father) having to admit to his girl that he has not returned with the belt they both desire.  Though when he slapped what can only be described as a wad of notes on the ta...[Read More]



State of Decay 2

The first thing that came to mind while playing this game was that it isn’t going to win any beauty contests, it’s not awful, it just seems to lack a certain polish. A perfect example of this is the vehicle design, while the cars themselves look great smaller details like the taillights or petrol caps look like they were an afterthought.  If this had been the only instance of graphically cut corne...[Read More]



Fortnite Battle Royale

  Fortnite: Battle Royale is a free-to-play (which immediately put it on my radar) battle royale game. It features up to 100 players, all with the same objective. Eliminate all other competitors on the battlefield and be the last player standing. And you must achieve this while staying within a continuously shrinking safe zone lest the unblinking eye of God turn his gaze upon you, burning you...[Read More]



NBA 2K18

I decided to test out my skills against the computer A.I in an exhibition match before I attempted anything as insane as online or local co-op. I was up against The Cleveland Cavaliers for my inaugural match and knowing essentially nothing about basketball I opted to play as The Boston Celtics because I have vague memories of them being quite good in previous NBA titles. While the Boston Celtics m...[Read More]



Pure Farming 2018

Yes, surprisingly there is an actual story, believe me I am as shocked as you, it is centred around a city boy who, after spending many a summer on his Grandfathers ranch, is impassioned with a love of rural living. So, when the chance to take over the family farm presents itself the young man leaps at the chance, though the Grandfather had to die for this to happen, yeah, another surprise I didn’...[Read More]



Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia

Stop me if you’ve heard it, a disgruntled wrestler so close to breaking into the big time, only to be denied when he’s inches away, a promoter choosing ratings over the wrestlers’ thoughts and desires, nothing new for wrestling fans perhaps, but a perfect insight into the world never the less. The opening few panels do very well to establish the foundation of the story and what we as the reader ar...[Read More]

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