
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 1

Like most kids who grew up in the 90’s I loved The Power Rangers, I mean what wasn’t to love? It was about a group of badass teenagers with attitude who wore colourful outfits and rode around in robot dinosaurs kicking all kinds of ass. Of course as I grew up I realised how cheesy some of the dialogue was and yes, the writers may have gone a tad overboard with the whole “power of friendship” motif...[Read More]


It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a TV show, partly because it’s difficult to do without spoilers but mostly because I haven’t found a show good or bad enough to warrant commentary. So thank you Titans, for being so monumentally abhorrent, so stupendously fucking awful that you have forced me out of bed at 2am to write this review, it’s good to know you excel in one thing at least. (You also m...[Read More]

Blood Realm

Before I had even read one word of Blood Realm I was awe struck by the artwork. It is simple but at the same time intricate, beautiful yet disturbing, like something from a nightmare. In certain panels, particularly the ones that feature the outdoors/landscapes, it is evident that the artwork has a life of its own, at times it felt like it would leap right off of the page. I also found the use of ...[Read More]

Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia: Issue 2

Issue number two of Invasion from planet wrestletopia starts of on a sombre note as it reveals a little about Rory’s childhood. It would appear that wrestling is the family business as we witness a dejected Terry Landell (Rory’s Father) having to admit to his girl that he has not returned with the belt they both desire.  Though when he slapped what can only be described as a wad of notes on the ta...[Read More]

Batman: The Black Mirror

Black Mirror is a story set in an interesting time at DC, Bruce Wayne effectively died during the events of Final Crisis which lead to Dick Grayson taking up the mantle of Batman, a decision he struggled with many times with other writers at the helm. Scott Snyder has a different take, Dick Grayson is much more comfortable and experienced in the role of being Gotham’s Dark Knight and more im...[Read More]