I can remember when all this “Snyder Cut” business first started, it wasn’t long after the Joss Whedon’s version had hit theatres that phrases l...[Read More]
I’ve been putting off my review of the Rise of Skywalker for two reasons. Firstly I don’t relish the idea of picking a side in the online argument abo...[Read More]
The original plan was to review Avengers Infinity War as soon as I’d seen it, but that was before I was bombarded with emotions. Having seen it twice ...[Read More]
I may take a hit by admitting this, but I have never actually read the novel Ready Player One, I know I know, it’s a huge glowing red weak spot on my ...[Read More]
Long live the King, well, not the last king he died in an explosion, but the new King T’Challa aka The Black Panther, in his first of what I hop...[Read More]
It’s finally here, after years of waiting and many nights spent chanting “please don’t suck” in front of my Superman shrine (not a creepy shrine, it’s...[Read More]
Well, the god of thunder is back, sporting a new hairdo and sans his magic hammer, so now Thor must discover what he is without it, his “journey throu...[Read More]
This will probably be one of the more controversial reviews we’ve done in a while, I feel I need to explain just how big a fan of Star Wars I am. I am...[Read More]
For some reason, I have always been attracted to movies that depict some sort of impending doom on the human race. Dystopian society? Check. Zombies?...[Read More]
This is a relatively spoiler-free review. The DC Universe has had a whole 5-6 hours to exist, but apparently it was time for the second-stringers alre...[Read More]