
PlayStation 5 – First Impressions

I’ve never spent too much time on the notion before but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a bit of a Sony loyalist. The original PlayStation was my first console so I suppose nostalgia has a lot to do with it, but the only times I’ve ever been properly lured by Microsoft were for Fable II on the Xbox 360 and a timed exclusive Tomb Raider collector’s edition (yes I know, I’m a sucker). Suffice t...[Read More]

I Forgot That The Last of Us Part II Is a Horror Game

Warning: Spoilers for The Last of Us Part II ahead!   I don’t enjoy horror-anything as a genre. It took me until about three years ago to watch The Blair Witch Project and while I’ve lived through endless parodies and poor imitations to know how it plays out, the ending still gave me nightmares. Similarly, I have never spent more than 10 minutes, solo at least, with any Resident Evil or Silen...[Read More]