Well Sony’s PlayStation 5 has finally been revealed and we’ve all had a chance to ooh and ahh, and while it’s great to finally know what it looks like, for me (like most things in life), it’s all about the video games. We got a sneak peek of some of what PlayStation has in store for us video game wise and let me tell you I am siked. Of course not everyone saw this as a good thing, some were angry at the lack of screen time the actual console got in favour of video game trailers. But this is actually a really savvy move on Sony’s part, as it goes a long way towards contextualising the PS5 in the minds of the consumer. But like I said, I loved it, seeing all of the upcoming games has me hyped beyond belief, I’d love to gush about) all of the video games Sony showed us, but obviously we can’t fit them all in. So let’s just cover the 5 Most Intriguing Games Revealed For PS5.
Goodbye Volcano High
Do you know what I loved most about Sony’s “Future of Gaming” event? How wonderfully diverse all of the games felt. We got to see action games, platformers, horrors and the wonderfully intriguing “narrative adventure game” Goodbye Volcano High. We don’t know much about it other than its set in a world of anthropomorphic dinosaurs and revolves around a high school band living out their final year as high school seniors. I’ll admit it’s not a game I would normally be clambering for, but the art style is fascinating and the music was mesmerising, Goodbye Volcano High is one I will be keeping a close eye on.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
Another newcomer to the video game scene “Kena: Bridge of Spirits” is a beautifully charming action-adventure game, think Pixar meets Pikmin. Kena: Bridge of Spirits immediately jumped out at me because of its aesthetic, it is colourful and cute but avoids being overly saccharine. As for the gameplay all we know so far is that Players will be teaming up with little spirit companions called the Rot, and as they grow their abilities evolve creating new ways to manipulate the environment. While not a ground-breaking concept the unique artistic design and fast paced combat lend Kena: Bridge of Spirits an identity all its own, while avoiding becoming merely a Pikmin/Overlord knock off.
Odd World: Soulstorm
I am a huge fan of the Odd World series, thanks to a cool uncle and less than vigilant parents I was able to play (and complete) Abe’s Oddysee forever cementing my love of fart based humour. So when I saw those deformed digits dance across my screen you best believe I let out a tiny squeal. Soulstorm will be to Abe’s Exoddus, what “New ‘n’ Tasty” was to Abe’s Oddysee, with a few changes. Such as a new crafting system and a hub area that will allow players to access new levels and areas. Let’s just hope that the addition of a crafting system isn’t the introduction of bullshit microtransactions, don’t break my heart “Oddworld Inhabitants”.
Horizon 2: Forbidden West
Seeing Aloy ride across our screens atop a mechanical steed filled my heart with joy as it means that we will be returning to the fantastical world of Horizon. That’s right, Aloy’s story will continue as she battles prehistoric robotic behemoths in an attempt to save her world from emollition. Given that Horizon Zero Dawn was both a critical and commercial smash it’s no surprise that a sequel would be in the works, but I don’t think any of us expected to see it so soon. We don’t have much more than a reveal trailer and certainly no fixed release date so all we can do is wait patiently, but if it’s anything like its predecessor it is deserving of hype.
Demon Souls: Remake
I was late to the Souls party, Dark Souls 3…late, but I have found myself a gibbering obsessive none the less, I devoured Dark Souls 1,2,3 and I bested Bloodborne all while craving more. So to see that the progenitor of one of my favourite video games series of all time was getting a remake, I was more than a little excited (my wife thought I was in danger because I squealed so high). That’s right after all these years I will finally get to experience Demon Souls the way it was meant to be played, with arse parsnips leaving “Get Gud” messages for me as I die over and over again.
Well, those are our thoughts about the 5 most intriguing games revealed for PlayStation 5, do you agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments below. Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel and if you’re feeling generous feel free to donate to our Patreon, thanks for reading.