If you have been confused by the gaggle of geese filling up your Twitter timeline over the last two weeks then that means you have somehow managed to avoid a little hyped Switch title by the name of, Untitled Goose Game. If that’s you, stop trying to be contrary, go download it and have yourself a joyful two hours of honking good fun.
The premise is, you play a goose out to terrorise a quiet English village aided by a shopping list of tasks that range from stealing fruit for a picnic to making someone spit out their tea. No, really, that’s it. How exactly does a goose make someone put on the wrong pair of glasses you ask? With stealth and a well-timed honk, my friend.
Developed by House House, Untitled Goose Game is a puzzle game infused with elements of stealth – the Metal Gear Solid crossover conversation amongst fans has very much become a thing. The controls are easy to master and presented in the shortest of tutorials; run, honk, lean, pick up and you’re pretty much ready to go. Some challenges are simple while others require a little more thought and planning which can be very easily spoiled with the accidental slip of a honk button.
The game is split into a number of areas around the village each with their own list of annoying tasks. As items are ticked off, more areas open up for you to waddle around in. The art style and environments are minimalistic yet charming, kind of like a child’s imagining of a Postman Pat village. The music is also a delight, it’s tranquil but picks up the pace whenever Goosey is in trouble.
It’s a fairly short game, lasting just a couple of hours but enough to make it worth the price tag (£13.49 if you get it while it’s still on offer on the Nintendo Store) and short enough that the novelty doesn’t wear off. Plus, any longer and I would have definitely gone to bed hearing incessant honking in my sleep. Untitled Goose Game is a joy. It’s silly, at times even peaceful, but most of all, pure fun.