Laura Griffiths

Tech journalist with too many Lara Croft figurines. Switch and PS4 user. Occasional reviewer of cake and guitar-playing, wannabe popstar. The Sims 2 build music is my internal screensaver.



Untitled Goose Game

If you have been confused by the gaggle of geese filling up your Twitter timeline over the last two weeks then that means you have somehow managed to avoid a little hyped Switch title by the name of, Untitled Goose Game. If that’s you, stop trying to be contrary, go download it and have yourself a joyful two hours of honking good fun. The premise is, you play a goose out to terrorise a quiet Engli...[Read More]



Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man has always been my favourite superhero (very nearly superseded by Captain Marvel this year when I teared up leaving the cinema … because girl power). He’s an everyman, albeit with a higher IQ than most and access to Stark Industries tech, so it doesn’t really matter what guise it arrives in, whether it’s animation form in the brilliant “Into the Spider-Verse” or in the shape of Toby Mag...[Read More]