
F**K Activision-Blizzard

It’s been a difficult couple of years recently, a worldwide pandemic, the attempted destruction of western democracy, the shocking increase in stupid fucking idiots who, not only don’t believe in vaccines, but who now have decided that modern idiocy isn’t enough! NO! Now they have hurtled back in time a few centuries and have now decided that the earth is fucking flat! And the cherry on this shit ...[Read More]

5 Power Ranger Knock-offs You Forgot Existed

Like any self-respecting child of the 90’s I loved The “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”, perhaps it was their incorruptible spirit, their unshakeable friendship, or maybe it was the fact that they got awesome colour coordinated-dinosaur themed mechs…. It was probably that last one. But like anything popular it wasn’t long before the imitators started pouring in. Some were better than others, I was p...[Read More]

A scaredy cats guide to Halloween gaming

It’s officially spooky season. Bring on the movie nights, pumpkin spiced lattes, and repeated promises about topping up the trick or treat stash you swore you wouldn’t touch in time for Halloween (probably best just to pretend you’re not home). For those of you, like me, who enjoy the pumpkin paraphernalia but not so much the nightmares that come with it, here’s a few video game recommendations to...[Read More]

Best Games I’ve Played this Year-Jude

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and with the year almost closing out we need to use the eyes on the back of our heads to see what we were given during another difficult year for all. I put together a list of those games that helped keep me sane, and in the spirit of the list I’ve decided to use games that were released this year. Each one may receive a review in future, if it hasn’t been reviewed ...[Read More]