I remember watching the trailer for Atomic Blonde and thinking “man, this movie is going to be great, Charlize Theron was awesome in Mad Max, and now ...[Read More]
When I first heard there would be a new Power Rangers movie based on the original characters, with the original story and the original Dino Zords I pa...[Read More]
As you all may have guessed (given the fact I co-founded a website dedicated to all things nerdy) I love comic books, especially superhero comics. As ...[Read More]
But seriously, it’s the standard hack Arthurian tale, King Uther (Bana) has been murdered by an evil bastard named Vortigern (Jude law) and the masses...[Read More]
So I have just gotten back from seeing Logan and I am putting it out there right now, this one may actually be the best X-men movie never mind wolveri...[Read More]
I was worried after seeing the posters and trailer that John Wick: Chapter 2 would just be a rehash of the original, maybe someone else would steal hi...[Read More]
I’ve just gotten back from seeing The Lego Batman movie and I have to say I really enjoyed the movie. As a long time Batman fan and Lego aficionado I ...[Read More]
The Sixth Sense was an immense film. When I first saw it I was just a youngster, and it proceeded to scare the piss out of me, but when I revisited it...[Read More]
Assassin’s Creed, based on the video game series of the same name, follows Callum Lynch (Fassbender) as he experiences the adventures of his Assassin ...[Read More]
This will probably be one of the more controversial reviews we’ve done in a while, I feel I need to explain just how big a fan of Star Wars I am. I am...[Read More]
For some reason, I have always been attracted to movies that depict some sort of impending doom on the human race. Dystopian society? Check. Zombies?...[Read More]
Fantastic beasts and where to find them is the latest instalment from J.K Rowling, set in the Harry Potter universe many years before the boy with the...[Read More]