Entering the 20s of the second millennium has gotten me very giddy, like a blushing schoolgirl after being told the boy she likes also likes her. This year will see the release of not only new games, but new consoles, pushing the pinnacle of technological excellence in gaming just a little further. Whilst we prepare for the new it has become a common occurrence in the last year to bring back the classics with a lick of fresh paint, calling them “remasters” and tempting us with our fondness of the past in buying them again. They have been massive success so far, the most notable being Crash Bandicoot, Crash Team Racing and Spyro the Dragon. The original PlayStation was that giant leap for mankind in the gaming world that seen the rise of many great franchises, as well as stand-alone games that helped influence the ideas for future developments. Bringing them back isn’t a bad thing, surely? Well, yes and no.
I love that my favourite PlayStation game came back, and I never even doubted my intentions to make a purchase. When I was told that I could relive my past playing that little, fire-breathing, purple dildo with wings I nearly sang out loud. In these circumstances I would welcome a few more to be added to the list so that younger players can relive the same moments we did, with a more attractive polish. A lot of older games are responsible for getting us hooked in the first place so surely it can’t be a bad thing to re-introduce them, creating more fans and greater demand for other favourites to be rehashed. Well, it can be. With higher quality machines now connected to our larger television screen we have games that look so beautiful that real life just looks shit. The potential to create great spectacles is far beyond anything we have had in the last 20 to 30 years, but if we rely too much on trying to recreate the same feelings from the past then we won’t progress with new ideas. I wouldn’t want developers spending their time, money and effort on projects that were done and dusted in a different era, when instead they could focus on bringing something unique to the table, something that will capture the hearts of this new generation (and I don’t mean that Fortnite shite).
There is also a certain difficulty in trying to match everything, making the new game as familiar as possible but also trying to add something new to flesh it out. I particularly appreciated the work behind the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, knowing that it wasn’t easy for Toys for Bob, the developers, to try and put together the very limited resources they had at their disposal to try and make sure that the recaptured the magic of each level. In fact, they expanded upon everything by making each character more unique and more of a fit to the worlds they belonged to. Just imagine if that kid of innovation was put towards a new project, something we haven’t really seen before, and that might encourage other developers to do the same.
So far, I am for them, and there are other games that I believe would really benefit from a remake, adding more to them besides a new look. Games from the past could be made even bigger, with new features and accessories that they would not have access to before due to the limitations of the…” ancient” technology (damn, when was being 29 considered old). My main concern would be that despite getting new consoles this year, which would normally be followed by exclusives for each that showcase their capabilities, we will instead just find games from older consoles get an upgrade. As I’m saying all of this, we will be graced with the remaster of Destroy All Humans this year, and after seeing the trailer (with some Rammstein playing too) I now want to buy it. All in all, remasters are not a bad idea, just so long as they don’t overshadow anything new. Now, I’m away to find some gems and burn some cartoonish bad guys in sweet solitude.
Well, those were Jude’s Thoughts on Remasters, do you agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments below, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel and if you’re feeling generous feel free to donate to our Patreon, thanks for reading.