Entering the 20s of the second millennium has gotten me very giddy, like a blushing schoolgirl after being told the boy she likes also likes her. This year will see the release of not only new games, but new consoles, pushing the pinnacle of technological excellence in gaming just a little further. Whilst we prepare for the new it has become a common occurrence in the last year to bring back the c...[Read More]
With the ever-spreading news, and infections, of the Coronavirus putting the masses into a state of fear and panic it’s nice to get some good news for a change. Announced only last week is the addition of a veteran of the gaming industry to the ranks of Kojima Productions. Now the head of Global Marketing and Communications, Jay Boor has joined the team and has expressed his excitement at working ...[Read More]
This year hasn’t been kind to us, with Australia burning, threats of a new world war, a virus that has claimed thousands of lives, and now every social media site is plagued with those fucking TikTok videos. The only solace can be found in gaming, and lots of it. But, due to the pandemic there has been a severe reduction in productivity, which is understandable considering the circumstances. Still...[Read More]
With 2020 being the equivalent of a colonoscopy being performed by a rusted Edward Scissorhands with one eye, we have now entered the summer stages of the year, meaning that we have passed the halfway stage, and it will just be a bad dream, or a fond memory if the universe decides to be dick about 2021. In honour of Pride month this year, where we can still celebrate people being equal to one anot...[Read More]
It’s back to this time of the year where the dark denizens of the night roam the streets, mindlessly sucking out the souls of everyone around them, or as we would call it, a typical day in Northern Ireland. Halloween is upon us, and along with the spooky themes of pumpkins, witches, ghosts and Arlene Foster, there is a nice selection of games that help us get in the mood. That’s what we all do, ri...[Read More]
I’ll say nothing on the terrible launch, because I don’t want to reach the end of the supposedly infinite word count, so this will only contain the detail of the PS5 itself, as a product. Fuck it’s marketing. There, I’m glad I got that out of my system, so now I’ll focus on this brand-new gaming system instead. To keep a long story short, the PS5 is a fantastic machine and more than lives up...[Read More]
I spent about 3 days of down time reorganising my mod load order, which includes hours of tutorial videos, messages from online friends and a lot of trial and error, to make my 300+ mods play nicely together. I’m someone that goes mod shopping before even starting my game, always hunting for something new, something I don’t even need, and I’m not sure that I even want, just for the sake of having ...[Read More]
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and with the year almost closing out we need to use the eyes on the back of our heads to see what we were given during another difficult year for all. I put together a list of those games that helped keep me sane, and in the spirit of the list I’ve decided to use games that were released this year. Each one may receive a review in future, if it hasn’t been reviewed ...[Read More]
From start to finish I invented my own Total Concentration Constant, called Heavy breathing, and my concentration was constant, even when having to answer my wife’s many questions I managed to multitask without my focus wavering. Anyone that has watched the series, which would be a strong requirement to understand what is going on, will be aware already what the plot to the movie is. The first ser...[Read More]