I’m sure you’re all aware that Sony recently revealed their design for the Playstation 5 controller, and I’m also sure you have formed an opinion one way or another about it. I’m not here to discuss whether it’s good or bad, no, what I’d like to do is take the piss, like I do with most things in life. And after reading some of the online comments I thought the best way to do that would be in the f...[Read More]
I’ve never spent too much time on the notion before but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a bit of a Sony loyalist. The original PlayStation was my first console so I suppose nostalgia has a lot to do with it, but the only times I’ve ever been properly lured by Microsoft were for Fable II on the Xbox 360 and a timed exclusive Tomb Raider collector’s edition (yes I know, I’m a sucker). Suffice t...[Read More]
Well Sony’s PlayStation 5 has finally been revealed and we’ve all had a chance to ooh and ahh, and while it’s great to finally know what it looks like, for me (like most things in life), it’s all about the video games. We got a sneak peek of some of what PlayStation has in store for us video game wise and let me tell you I am siked. Of course not everyone saw this as a good thing, some were angry ...[Read More]
So Sony has revealed the PS5 for the world to see and the reception has been, for the most part, positive, obviously you can’t please everyone. But it wasn’t just the new console Sony unveiled, they also revealed a whole heap of new video games, most of which look as if they are going to be a lot of fun. And as one trailer after another played I remember thinking, “wow, this is an eclectic bunch ...[Read More]
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and with the year almost closing out we need to use the eyes on the back of our heads to see what we were given during another difficult year for all. I put together a list of those games that helped keep me sane, and in the spirit of the list I’ve decided to use games that were released this year. Each one may receive a review in future, if it hasn’t been reviewed ...[Read More]