The Ghost is faced with a new challenge on a new island in the DLC, with news of a different kind of threat reaching Jin’s ears after encountering som...[Read More]
I never allowed myself to get too excited for this, and I kept my expectations low because I never imagined I would have every single box ticked for m...[Read More]
This review isn’t exactly timely and there’s a good reason for that, and no, it’s not because I’m a lazy bastard…well, not just that. Simply put, I di...[Read More]
The story takes place in Japan, beginning in the late 16th century and carrying over into the first year of the 17th century. From what the cinematics...[Read More]
I want to start by pointing out that my interest in this was heavily punctured by the critics after the initial release, so it went under the radar fo...[Read More]
You would have a hard time convincing people that the way Kratos goes about things in the previous God of War games resembles anything close to reason...[Read More]
I was a massive fan of the original Shadow of The Colossus when it first debuted on PlayStation 2, I have fond memories of performing lizard genocide ...[Read More]