I haven’t always been a fan of the Souls-Borne games, in fact the first time I played one (Dark Souls 1) I bounced right off it. Maybe it was the way the game introduced combat, maybe it was the controls or (and I think this is the main reason) it’s because I took a right and ended up in skeletal buggery hell. As it turns out, this area was a late game area and I was supposed to go left, but after...[Read More]
We all have a video game (or two) that we absolutely love despite the general consensus that they are less than stellar! For me it’s the Fable series, while it has its fans, the majority’s opinion seems to be that they are a shallow experience not worth revisiting. But bollocks to that! I love to run around in my pants twatting people with a frying pan….in Fable of course, I was found innocent at...[Read More]
It’s been a difficult couple of years recently, a worldwide pandemic, the attempted destruction of western democracy, the shocking increase in stupid fucking idiots who, not only don’t believe in vaccines, but who now have decided that modern idiocy isn’t enough! NO! Now they have hurtled back in time a few centuries and have now decided that the earth is fucking flat! And the cherry on this shit ...[Read More]
Like any self-respecting child of the 90’s I loved The “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”, perhaps it was their incorruptible spirit, their unshakeable friendship, or maybe it was the fact that they got awesome colour coordinated-dinosaur themed mechs…. It was probably that last one. But like anything popular it wasn’t long before the imitators started pouring in. Some were better than others, I was p...[Read More]
As you may or may not have heard, depending on your awareness of manga/anime, there was a bit of a surprising “coming out” for a rather loathed character in a popular Manga and anime series called “My Hero Academia”. Regular readers will know of my fondness for this particular franchise, being one of the few animes that I follow religiously, and the fewer still of which I have read the manga for, ...[Read More]