Mortal Shell

Ever since FromSoftware created the beloved Soulsborne series there have been many imitators, determined to replicate their success. And while some have been better than others, none have truly captured what made the Soulsborne games so great. But with the Dark Souls series wrapped up and no sign of a Bloodborne sequel, those of us hungry for another bollock buster of a video game are forced to lo...[Read More]

Peaky Blinders: Mastermind

Having played the first few levels, I think I have grasped enough of the mechanics and gameplay to decide if it’s worth playing through, and it wasn’t too bad, but at the same time it isn’t what I would have asked for in a game about gangsters in post-WW1 England. The TV show, which streams on Netflix and is on its fifth season, is filled with sly tactical decisions, discretion, gang violence and ...[Read More]


I’m going to come right out and say that I had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would. On first appearance it looks just like one of those typical indie simulators you see rocking around Steam, and it is an indie simulator on Steam, but with quite a substantial amount of entertainment value. Now, I’m not dissing indie games, as they are usually some of the most creative, reasonably priced...[Read More]


I have to admit, it’s been a while since a review has given me this much trouble. Normally I find it pretty straight forward, game good here’s why, or game bad insert self-important wankey rant here. But in Vampyr’s case it’s hard to give a simple yay or nay, so why don’t I just put it all down on digital paper and by the end, hopefully, we’ll have our answer. Set in London in the year 1918 in the...[Read More]

Pure Farming 2018

Yes, surprisingly there is an actual story, believe me I am as shocked as you, it is centred around a city boy who, after spending many a summer on his Grandfathers ranch, is impassioned with a love of rural living. So, when the chance to take over the family farm presents itself the young man leaps at the chance, though the Grandfather had to die for this to happen, yeah, another surprise I didn’...[Read More]

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