So Sony has revealed the PS5 for the world to see and the reception has been, for the most part, positive, obviously you can’t please everyone. But it wasn’t just the new console Sony unveiled, they also revealed a whole heap of new video games, most of which look as if they are going to be a lot of fun. And as one trailer after another played I remember thinking, “wow, this is an eclectic bunch ...[Read More]
So The Last of Us Part II is finally out and it’s received much critical and commercial success, with good reason. It is a fantastically well-polished game that plays tightly, looks gorgeous and has some interesting gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately all of that is tainted by the borderline grotesque amounts of violence it contains. Now before you go assuming I’m just some violence denouncing SJW l...[Read More]
With 2020 being the equivalent of a colonoscopy being performed by a rusted Edward Scissorhands with one eye, we have now entered the summer stages of the year, meaning that we have passed the halfway stage, and it will just be a bad dream, or a fond memory if the universe decides to be dick about 2021. In honour of Pride month this year, where we can still celebrate people being equal to one anot...[Read More]
Warning: Spoilers for The Last of Us Part II ahead! I don’t enjoy horror-anything as a genre. It took me until about three years ago to watch The Blair Witch Project and while I’ve lived through endless parodies and poor imitations to know how it plays out, the ending still gave me nightmares. Similarly, I have never spent more than 10 minutes, solo at least, with any Resident Evil or Silen...[Read More]
The other day I sat down to edit a review one of my colleagues had written, it was Ghost Recon Breakpoint, a dull shooter published by Ubisoft. As I read over the review, making notes and suggesting possible edits, I noticed that he hadn’t mentioned the recent allegations, which I refer to as such only for legal reasons, I 100% believe that these disgusting fucks are guilty! I assumed that perhaps...[Read More]
It’s back to this time of the year where the dark denizens of the night roam the streets, mindlessly sucking out the souls of everyone around them, or as we would call it, a typical day in Northern Ireland. Halloween is upon us, and along with the spooky themes of pumpkins, witches, ghosts and Arlene Foster, there is a nice selection of games that help us get in the mood. That’s what we all do, ri...[Read More]
I haven’t always been a fan of the Souls-Borne games, in fact the first time I played one (Dark Souls 1) I bounced right off it. Maybe it was the way the game introduced combat, maybe it was the controls or (and I think this is the main reason) it’s because I took a right and ended up in skeletal buggery hell. As it turns out, this area was a late game area and I was supposed to go left, but after...[Read More]
We all have a video game (or two) that we absolutely love despite the general consensus that they are less than stellar! For me it’s the Fable series, while it has its fans, the majority’s opinion seems to be that they are a shallow experience not worth revisiting. But bollocks to that! I love to run around in my pants twatting people with a frying pan….in Fable of course, I was found innocent at...[Read More]
Gordon Freeman Age: 27 (Biologically) Eyes: Green Profession: Theoretical physicist at Black Mesa Catherine “Cate” Anne Archer Age: 21 Eyes: Green International super spy at UNITY At first glance, these characters couldn’t be further apart in terms of skill but looking deep reveals some striking similarities. Both are extremely intelligen...[Read More]
Well the Resident Evil Showcase has been and gone, and all I can say is “WoW”. I think most of us that tuned in were there for one reason, Resident Evil: Village. Capcom revealed key insights regarding the eagerly anticipated survival horror sequel, chief among them, that, yes, it is a continuation of Ethan’s story. But while it is picking up from where we left off in RESIDENT EVIL: 7, RESIDENT EV...[Read More]
This year marks 25 years since the gates to that chillingly atmospheric Peruvian cave first slammed shut behind Lara Croft and our adventures with the globetrotting star of what would become the storied Tomb Raider series began. 25 years, countless locations and bullets spent, and several retcons later, Lara Croft remains one of the most enduring icons in video game history and developer Crystal D...[Read More]
I spent about 3 days of down time reorganising my mod load order, which includes hours of tutorial videos, messages from online friends and a lot of trial and error, to make my 300+ mods play nicely together. I’m someone that goes mod shopping before even starting my game, always hunting for something new, something I don’t even need, and I’m not sure that I even want, just for the sake of having ...[Read More]