The story takes place in Japan, beginning in the late 16th century and carrying over into the first year of the 17th century. From what the cinematics try to explain, briefly in the beginning, is that there is a substance called amrita that can be harvested and used to attain great power, and becomes more prevalent during times of war and discord, particularly found in Japan. The power itself is n...[Read More]
I was delighted to get my hands on this, days after it released, and bought it as soon as I caught on that it was real. A throwaway comment on YouTube made my mouth drop to the floor, because I couldn’t believe it to be true. Watching a new gameplay video for Ghost of Tsushima (can’t wait for this) I scrolled down through the comments until I seen one make a mention of SoR4 and I just thought ther...[Read More]
I’m going to come right out and say that I had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would. On first appearance it looks just like one of those typical indie simulators you see rocking around Steam, and it is an indie simulator on Steam, but with quite a substantial amount of entertainment value. Now, I’m not dissing indie games, as they are usually some of the most creative, reasonably priced...[Read More]
The story begins with Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss), the main actress and movie lead, carefully escaping from a mansion on the shore, and from the man lying next to her. She makes her way through a lab, just to point out to the audience that the owner must be a genius, and foreshadowing what is to eventually come when we get to see, or not see, where the suit is kept. Managing to disable the various se...[Read More]
The rush I feel when running around with a digital firearm must be how a ‘Murican soldier feels when there is oil close by, delivering all kinds of freedom one bullet at a time. I never thought I would want this, never watched the trailers until after it was released, and I resisted all temptations in bothering to look up the gameplay and features. The day after my wedding my new wife surprised me...[Read More]
I want to start by pointing out that my interest in this was heavily punctured by the critics after the initial release, so it went under the radar for throughout most of 2019. Last year has been a poor year, but worse than that has been the over-exaggerated critique of a lot of games and movies, something that has seen me just turn my back on what critics say and put more trust in what other play...[Read More]
I can’t believe I am considering a PlayStation 1 game “retro”, but here I am, 29 years of age and calling the PS1 an old school console. When I think of something retro I would picture a dust covered joystick, 8-bit graphics and arcade music, but here we are in the modern age where 12 year old kids have supposedly had intercourse with my mother and consider me a grumpy old bastar...[Read More]
Much like the game, this review will be quite short. It was created in support of the man himself, DJ Avicii, or Tim Bergling, after his death was felt across the world. I later found out that he was actually involved in its production, which was then completed and released to honour his memory, with the proceeds being funded to help support suicide awareness causes. This was very touching. It con...[Read More]
Now that I have your attention with the first line, one that would be classed as crossing the streams of two rival franchises, enough to cause Nerdmageddon, let me begin by saying that Jedi Fallen Order is fantastic. EA believed that single player games were dead, with the current generation of players preferring recycled multiplayer, battle royale kind of games. Well, they have proven themselves ...[Read More]
Before we begin I need to confess something; I never actually played the first game, at all. I am a fresh-faced noob to this series so my experiences here are very new. However, I think that it works in my favour because I can then learn all the controls from scratch and get a fresh perspective of the gameplay without being swayed from any influence from the first game. The first thing I got to do...[Read More]
Since it is the spooky season of Halloween it is only fitting that I try out games that fir the theme of this time of the year. Close to the Sun certainly fits the bill and I got to experience the first three chapters of this somewhat short story. Now, three chapters is not long, so of course it would seem short, but the first two chapters were exceptionally brief. Imagine if an 800m race turned i...[Read More]
The memories of my time playing this did not take long to come flooding back. Set to be re-released on current gen consoles on 24th September this year, I thought it would be a good idea to dig this game up and reinstall it on my laptop to play through it again and consider buying it for my PS4. It wasn’t a good idea, it was fantastic idea, the best I had that day. I jumped straight into the singl...[Read More]