I’m going to come right out and say that I had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would. On first appearance it looks just like one of those typical indie simulators you see rocking around Steam, and it is an indie simulator on Steam, but with quite a substantial amount of entertainment value. Now, I’m not dissing indie games, as they are usually some of the most creative, reasonably priced...[Read More]
The JRPG adventure, launching this week on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, takes the player to the urban town of Clocknee during a new millennium festival celebrating 30 years since the so-called Soulman saved the town. As soon as the fireworks stop, Clocknee suddenly comes to a standstill and it’s up to Sherry to travel back, find out what happened and restore time. (And cap a Bitch if necessa...[Read More]
You could be forgiven for thinking that the world of GRIP: Combat Racing is nothing but a post-apocalyptic future where only cars and explosions have survived. But I looked it up and to my surprise there is a story buried somewhere amidst all the vehicular carnage. Something about illegal street racing, black market TV subscriptions and corruption, but we’re not here for story. No, we’re here to r...[Read More]
Elea begins with a few floating space paragraphs to give the player some context as to what’s going on and what they are letting them-selves in for. We are informed that the Earth was ravaged by a neurological mutation that turns every Earth born child into a rage monster and the only cure strips them of all emotion. Humanity decides that Earth is fucked and that a new planet is needed so they sen...[Read More]
Ah the humble RTS, how I’ve missed you. It seems like only yesterday I was whiling away my Saturday nights trying to get past that God damn chopper mission from the first C&C or pouring days at a time into Red Alert 3, good times. But with EA determined to empty their bowels all over the Command & Conquer franchise it seemed that my RTS thirst was to go unquenched, that was until 8-Bit Arm...[Read More]
I have to admit, it’s been a while since a review has given me this much trouble. Normally I find it pretty straight forward, game good here’s why, or game bad insert self-important wankey rant here. But in Vampyr’s case it’s hard to give a simple yay or nay, so why don’t I just put it all down on digital paper and by the end, hopefully, we’ll have our answer. Set in London in the year 1918 in the...[Read More]
Fortnite: Battle Royale is a free-to-play (which immediately put it on my radar) battle royale game. It features up to 100 players, all with the same objective. Eliminate all other competitors on the battlefield and be the last player standing. And you must achieve this while staying within a continuously shrinking safe zone lest the unblinking eye of God turn his gaze upon you, burning you...[Read More]
Yes, surprisingly there is an actual story, believe me I am as shocked as you, it is centred around a city boy who, after spending many a summer on his Grandfathers ranch, is impassioned with a love of rural living. So, when the chance to take over the family farm presents itself the young man leaps at the chance, though the Grandfather had to die for this to happen, yeah, another surprise I didn’...[Read More]
The main story is pretty strong, it picks up fifteen years after the events of the first game, Emily is now the Empress of the Isles and Corvo is her bodyguard. The Empress is then attacked, some betrayal goes on and either Corvo or Emily has to flee the empire in order to find out who is behind the plot, and regain the throne. It’s a similar progression to the original, as in its heavily ...[Read More]
So, with news of Final Fantasy VII finally getting a remake, I felt it was time to dust off the PlayStation One, dig out my old copy and replay it for the 20th time. But then I thought to myself, “bollocks to that, it’s the future!”, so I downloaded to my PSP, so I could play it on the go and quite frankly, it hasn’t been out of my hands. You see Final Fantasy games require a lot of your time, (we...[Read More]
Paris in the fall… In 1998, Revolution Software gained a lifelong fan, after my chance discovery of Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars. I first played Broken Sword on my brother’s PlayStation 1; I was just 9 years old, looking for a new game to play after completing Road Rash. My brother had bought a Help Charity pack, which included 3 games. Road Rash, Myst and none other than Broken Sword: Sha...[Read More]
In Kings Quest: Rubble Without a Cause we pick back up with King Graham years after the events of episode 1, he has now taken the throne but is finding it harder than he thought it was going to be.