Tis the season to get wankered! Ah yes St. Patrick’s Day, the day when we proud Irish men and women venerate an agnostic English man who said “Out te fuck ye slithering bastards”! And while most of my country men will mark this occasion by getting rubbered, I choose to celebrate it by twisting it into an excuse to talk about video games. With that said here are 5 of The Worst Irish Video Game Char...[Read More]
I haven’t always been a fan of the Souls-Borne games, in fact the first time I played one (Dark Souls 1) I bounced right off it. Maybe it was the way the game introduced combat, maybe it was the controls or (and I think this is the main reason) it’s because I took a right and ended up in skeletal buggery hell. As it turns out, this area was a late game area and I was supposed to go left, but after...[Read More]
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and with the year almost closing out we need to use the eyes on the back of our heads to see what we were given during another difficult year for all. I put together a list of those games that helped keep me sane, and in the spirit of the list I’ve decided to use games that were released this year. Each one may receive a review in future, if it hasn’t been reviewed ...[Read More]
Life is far from easy in the Dreadlands, on the surface it appears that pretty much everyone is out to get you in a Mad Max style wasteland. As you make your way around the map you’ll encounter settlements and events, most of which will drag you into a fight, though, some will offer you goodies for your team. Dreadlands is a turn-based tactical RPG by developer Blackfox Studios which brings ...[Read More]